Another fab blog from my team member Teona. . . from her recent wedding at Northbrook Park. . .
"I first met our couple just a few short weeks ago. Archie is a Horse Racing Trainer and Brodie a Jockey, and they lead very busy lives indeed! In fact, so much so that they had asked Lexi (the groom's sister) to arrange and organise their wedding for them, and what a fabulous job she did!
They both wanted a very personal ceremony and with the help of Lexi we managed to deliver an uplifting ceremony that was both traditional and personal. There were a few emotional tears and lots of laughs on the day too.
On arrival at the venue, I was greeted by the events team of Northbrook Park and shown into the Vine Room where the Ceremony was taking place. The room looked stunning, with beautiful crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and the tall French windows just flooding the room with light. Blossom Trees framed the aisle and made it a perfect room for a wedding.
I met and had a chat with Photographer Josh Tucker and Videographer from Pure White Films about the logistics of the day – both were wonderfully helpful. I was then met by the fabulous Dean John, Master of Ceremonies for the day, and we chatted through the arrangements and had a few laughs along the way.
Then it was time to have my visit upstairs to check in with the bride Brodie who looked amazing, and I knew she was going to take the bridegroom's breath away (and she absolutely did!!!). A final chat with Archie, his best man Ian and groomsmen, and then they made their way to the front, and we were off.
The room was filled by the beautiful voice of Zoe Beardsall, and then the doors opened. The bridesmaids entered all looking beautiful followed by Brodie escorted by brother Callum. I had a tear in my eye when I looked at Archies face looking at his bride for the first time, a truly emotional moment.
The Ceremony told of their personal story with some fun elements which included the guests, and some traditional parts too.
We had two readings from both of Archie’s sisters Lexie and Evie which they both did beautifully.
The signing of the Certificate then took place, Lexie and her husband William came to join them to be witnesses to complete the signing of their wedding day certificate.
Bringing them to the front the join their family and friends I very proudly announced Archie and Brodie to a very loud round of applause and lots of congratulations, as they walked down the aisle together you could feel so much love and happiness in the room.
What a wonderful way to finish a truly amazing week – Archie’s horse had come first in the very first race at Ascot at the beginning of the week and here they were man and wife starting off an amazing life together! I truly wish them all the happiness in the world and all the best for their future together.
Venue: Northbrook Park
Celebrant: Teona from Knight Ceremonies
Photographer: Josh Tucker
Videographer: Pure White Films
Vocals: Zoe Beardsall
MOC: DJ Dean John
Florist: Rhubarb & Bramley
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