This was the most incredible day for two absolutely brilliant people. Emma and Dean first approached me with ideas for a really personal wedding day at the groom's family home in Hertfordshire, and I could tell that they would be fun to work with!
Like me, they have twins and so we instantly had a connection, and lots of stories to share! We began talking about how the ceremony might flow, what could be included, and they described a celebration that was relaxed, intimate and with memorable moments. I was delighted to start working on their special words, and created a wonderful script full of fab details and we agreed upon a bespoke poem that I would write to convey their love story.
By the time the day came around, I was so excited to deliver their ceremony and was greeted with blue skies and warm sunshine as I arrived in lovely Flamstead. The house has been in the family since the groom's grandparents lived there, and when his mum and dad took on the house, they built only on the floor plans that were already there, modernising and developing the existing footprints.
The land that accompanies the house, wrapped around it and extended out the back for what seemed like miles! It was the most idyllic setting, with outbuildings, a vast expanse of lawns, a lake and pool house with a gorgeous kitchen garden. The ceremony space was set next to the 4 tipis, and had the most magnificent views.
After checking in with the family members, and arranging a little surprise for the couple, I could sense the anticipation and a few nerves creeping in. It was lovely to be able to speak with the close family prior to the ceremony starting and as guests began to arrive, we were all ready to help this amazing couple celebrate. As the last of their guests were seated, and I was given the nod that the bridal party had arrived, we eagerly awaited the 'thumbs up' from the groomsman, and then music filled the air.
The procession began with the little nieces and nephews to 'You've got a friend in me' from Toy Story, and then the adult bridesmaids entered with the bride and her father. It was such a lovely sight, to see them all smiling, and clearly happy for this special day to be happening.
We opened the ceremony with a warm welcome and some words from the couple about how they felt about making this commitment to one another. With promises made by their guests too, we then had a reading and I delivered their bespoke poem. It went down a storm and everyone erupted once again with loud applause. The second reading and two very special surprise then followed, and the couple were emotional but so happy.
They exchanged love letters, and vows, and then wedding rings with the help of the two best men. Then as they celebrated with a kiss, everyone cheered and there were lots of very happy faces.
The couple chose to sign their certificate with their two little boys so I brought ink pads and had wipes at the ready for those mucky fingers, and the boys were an absolute dream. What a lovely family moment it was.
I shared a few last words, and recapped on what we had all just witnessed, and then it was time to present them back to their loved ones. The music came on, the couple celebrated back down the aisle and then we lined everyone up for an epic confetti tunnel!
As I announced them for a second time, and they began their route through the shower of confetti, the smiles were so wide on their faces, and you could see just how much this all meant to them both.
I chatted with family and friends afterwards who were all so excited and happy that this had been such a fun and memorable start to the day. As I left, the drinks were flowing, the kids were all having fun and it was a wonderful scene of happy times.
Congrats to Emma and Dean, and may your future be filled with much love and happiness.