I first chatted to my amazing couple back in the summer, and we quickly put together lots of thoughts and ideas for their really fun and personal ceremony! I loved hearing all about their story and getting to know them as a little family too.
By the time the day arrived, I was super excited to create the perfect atmosphere for them and their guests, and wow was it good to be back at Northbrook Park! I conducted my first ceremony back in 2015 at this venue, and my team and I have been back this year twice.
As this is a dry-hire venue, it is key to be a super organised celebrant and to have all of the little details that you need in advance, so that you can keep everything on track on the day. I was straight to it when I got into the space and chatted with the fabulous photographer, readers, groom, and groomsmen.
Having caught up with the bride as she was getting ready, I then had a chat with the bridesmaids and the bride's father too. It is a part of our service that means that everyone feels as relaxed as possible, as they know just what is happening and they know I will look after them once things get started.
There was a wonderful sense of excitement as guests began to arrive, and as they came straight into the ceremony space, I got to welcome members of family, and friends and chat with lots of the special people in the couple's lives.
As everyone settled in, welcome messages were delivered, and we awaited the cue that the bridal party was in place. I had the honour of welcoming the mother of the bride and we all celebrated as she took her seat. Then it was time to open the doors and begin the procession, and as the beautiful bridesmaids all came into the space, and took up their positions at the front, I looked at the groom as the bride and her father came to the top of the aisle.
It is a lovely moment to witness as the emotion takes over, and it was clear that he was so happy to see her. After handing out several tissues to the family members in the front rows, we welcomed the bride and her attendants and ensured everyone felt a part of the day and was relaxed and ready to enjoy the celebrations.
We were joined a few times by the couple's adorable little boy Ezra, who looked super cute in his tuxedo, and we talked about what it meant to this lovely couple to be celebrating and how their story all began.
"It was 2013 and they went to the cinema for their first date, and neither of them can remember anything about the film, mainly because Nikki talked all the way through the adverts, the film AND the credits!"
They had chosen two very important guests to join us to share readings, which were expertly delivered, and the room was gripped by their words.
Once again, I was honoured to be able to share a very special love story, to tell of their journey through to parenthood, and to acknowledge their achievements, their challenges, and all of those normal moments that make up everyday life. I got to share some of their funny stories, and it was so lovely to see everyone enjoying hearing about them.
We concluded the ceremony with a knot-tying ceremony as a nod to the groom's love of Game of Thrones and included a colour for each family. We asked both mums to come up to present and lay the two ribbons over the couple's wrists, and then with their hands forming an infinity symbol, I weaved them into position. We then asked guests to help celebrate as they pulled the ends tighter to reveal the infinity knot.
It felt like we had the support of their family and friends throughout the ceremony and they then got to witness them signing their wedding day certificate and hear as I brought things to a rousing conclusion and presented them back to their loved ones to great applause.
A huge congrats to the lovely Nikki, Simon and their family. I just know these two will have an amazing future together!
(All images in this blog were taken by Jenny Knight but we look forward to seeing the official pics soon.)
Dream Team:
Photographer: James Croft
Celebrant: Jenny (Knight Ceremonies)
See more about Hampshire Ceremonies