The Wedding that had it all . . .

It took me a little while to know where to start with this blog, as I am still on a bit of a high after Thursday's wedding for Ade and Sue.

The couple reached out to me, with a clear idea of what they wanted, but with lots of questions about how the celebrant option worked, and after meeting and chatting, it was clear that it was absolutely the right option for them.

They have a story to share, a message of love, resilience, and joy to be conveyed, and a celebration of their relationship that just needed to be brought to life in the right way.  I was so excited to write for these two lovely people, that it all came together fairly quickly!




With a venue visit completed and several chats over the coming months, we approached the wedding date and everything was all set.  I think I'd had my outfit hanging up for weeks, and was raring to go and help them have the ceremony they'd hoped for.

When I arrived on the day I met the groom and his great friends outside in the gardens, enjoying the sunshine and a beer with the fab photographer Ryan.  The groom is ex-military and as I knew Ryan was too, it felt like the perfect match when I recommended him to the couple.  They hit it off immediately and even established that they share some mutual friends and acquaintances. 

Chatting to them all, it was clear they felt relaxed, and were in great spirits, ready to celebrate and to embrace everything that we had planned.


Groom and best men

Jen and Ryan Military Weddings


I ran through everything with the guys, chatted to the photographer about the movements in the ceremony, and between us we moved a few things around to ensure adequate space for those in the wedding party.  There was amazing teamwork on-site during the prep time, and it was lovely to meet the couple's friends and videographers too.

As guests began to arrive, I checked in on the wedding party and we began seating everyone.  As housekeeping messages and a few laughs were shared, the music began, and in marched the groom's two brilliant friends Mark and Colin.  Both ex-military, it was the perfect musical accompaniment and they were followed then by the couple's three daughters.


ceremony area



With everyone settled at the front, the music faded down, and on came the theme music from the Pink Panther, and all of their guests erupted in fits of laughter as it is the music of choice for Boxer Sue when she enters the ring!  Brilliant!

I love to acknowledge a great wedding party entrance, and this one was fantastic.  I welcomed everyone and with the couple now turned around and angled towards me and their guests, we were ready to begin.  There was a great feel in the ceremony space, and I could see everyone engaged and eager to see what was happening next! 

The tone had been set and we were ready to involve them all in some guest promises.  Everyone was in fine voice and ready to support this incredible couple, and as we went on to hear some great readings from those who know them best, there was a mix of laughter and tears, and I caught a few people mopping eyes with tissues as they heard some wonderful stories being shared.


Wellington Arms


Everyone there knew how much this meant to Ade and Sue, so it was important to create the right atmosphere and allow for all emotions to be present.  I then shared my poem, written especially for the couple, and again we had laughter, and tender moments as I took them all on a journey through from the couple's first meeting in a car park to getting engaged on holiday.  It was like a rollercoaster ride and everyone loved it!


No sooner had they left the table, Ade was out of his chair,
He went round to Sue, other diners began to stare.
Cheers soon went up around them as he took to one knee,
He opened the ring box, and asked “will you marry me?”

Of course, Sue said yes, these two are such a great pair,
They continued their break with news they couldn’t wait to share,
They enjoyed telling family and showing off the new ring,
Back home they were excited, wedding planning could begin!


Sue and Ade decided to share their own words with each other and kept them secret until the ceremony.  It was then that I could really see their feelings coming to the fore, and they did a wonderful job of speaking those special words to one another.

Colin then joined us as ring bearer and injected some humour into the proceedings, and again, we got to see just how supportive their friends are.  It felt absolutely full of love and sentiment, and quite frankly I felt quite emotional at the end as they had their first kiss.


Knight Ceremonies

Jen and Sue

groom jen and ryan


While we had a few moments to sign their wedding day certificate, with the help of their three girls, their guests all lined up in the gardens, armed with confetti canons, ready to welcome these two wonderful humans back into their company as newlyweds.  As the air filled with confetti, the noise was deafening, as everyone cheered again and reception drinks were then served so they could celebrate together.



brides dress

wedding guests


I was welcomed into this group of family and friends so warmly that I honestly didn't want to leave.  I had time with them all to share stories and received lots of messages of thanks for making it so personal for them.  As everyone was called for dinner, I got to see them heading in to loud applause and then heard that they'd had a very special fly-by from a Chinook from RAF Odiham, which hovered over the field next door and took a little bow as a nod to the new Mr & Mrs. 

What a wonderful added extra to an already wonderful day!


function suite

wedding breakfast

happy couple


I left them both in the company of their nearest and dearest, and as I headed to the car I could still hear laughter and the clinking of cutlery and glasses (always a wonderful sound!).

The biggest congrats to Ade and Sue on a fabulous wedding day and I just know they have a wonderful future together.

Much love,




Dream Team:

Venue: Jemma, Dani and the team at The Wellington Arms (Stratfield Turgis)

Celebrant: Jenny at Knight Ceremonies

Photographer: Ryan Shelley Photography

Videographer: White Fox Event Media





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