It was at the end of a very cold January this year that my couple reached out to me to start chatting about their wedding, and what a wonderful couple they were!
Both are lawyers, and with a baby on the way, they were keen to organise a special celebration, something personal and relaxed, but with some traditional elements, a perfect fit for their setting (the gorgeous Ramster Hall).
With initial chats and calls underway, their script began taking shape, and following a lovely meeting at the venue for a walk-through of their ceremony, we were on track and with a wonderful service planned.
When Saturday arrived, the skies were clearing and sunshine began peeking through and it soon became a lovely bright and warm day! As I arrived at the venue, I had a final check through my details and then headed in to see the groom and his groomsmen all busy checking details and carrying out their duties. They were so organised and every one of them keen to help and make this a special time for their friends.
After running through cues and discussing readings, rings, and movements of guests with the venue and the groomsmen, it was time to get everyone seated.
The Drawing Room was set with a piano, table and chairs at the front, and rows of guests seated all the way to the back. It was going to be a full house, and as guests filled the rows of chairs, the atmosphere in the space became one of excitement and anticipation!
Having delivered all of the housekeeping and welcome messages, I popped out to greet the bridal party who had just arrived with the bride and groom's little boy Freddie. After a swift change and with some rather cute noise mufflers on he, and the bride's mum took their seats and I ran through all entry details with the bride, her father, and her bridesmaids.
As I returned to the ceremony space, the groom looked excited to finally be united with his lovely bride, and once the cue had been received, everyone stood to welcome them all and the procession began.
Jess' lovely maids all entered first, and then she rounded the corner with her very proud father on her arm, and gasps and emotional tears were seen and heard across the room. Their little boy even let out a cry which sounded like "Ma!" as she entered the room - a perfectly timed accompaniment to her entrance.
It was time to settle everyone and with my words projecting throughout this magnificent and historical hall, I set the tone with my trademark relaxed and warm delivery, and everyone was engaged and ready to enjoy this fabulous celebration.
Having made sure all those with little children felt comfortable about getting up, moving outside (if needed), and importantly, felt happy to pop back in when ready, we thanked everyone for joining us and acknowledged those that could not be with us too.
Jess and Paul had two people from their wedding party to come up and share readings, and they both read brilliantly! As their love story unfolded, and funny tales were shared, the room filled with laughter and by the time the couple came to share their vows and promises their guests were all gripped and completely invested in what was happening.
We made sure they all felt a part of the ceremony, and as the couple shared their special words with one another, I could see family and friends alike, with beaming smiles and hearts full of love for these two.
The groom's brother then played piano as the couple signed their wedding day certificate and both dads came up to complete the signing too. It was such a wonderful ceremony, and after bringing everything to a close, and presenting them back to their loved ones, they all cheered and headed out for reception drinks in the grounds.
I had groomsmen, family and friends of the couple all stopping to share their thoughts, and the bride's dad thanked me for such a lovely ceremony! It is always lovely to receive feedback, especially instant comments like this, but I was delighted as so many came up to chat to me.
What an incredible couple, and what a joy it was to be able to help them have the start to the day that they really wanted.
Congrats Jess and Paul and much love to you and the adorable little Freddie!
(All images in this blog were taken by Jenny Knight - we look forward to seeing the official images soon.)
Dream Team:
Venue: Lisa and her team at Ramster Hall
Celebrant: Jenny at Knight Ceremonies
Photographer: Sarah Legge Photography
Videographer: John at A Beautiful Day Weddings
See more about Surrey Ceremonies