What an incredible day!
My couple first reached out to me pre-pandemic and had two little girls, and following postponements and several ups and downs they emerged as a family of five, welcoming another little lady into the fold! They were full of enthusiasm for their celebrations to finally take place and when I arrived at the gorgeous Little Dower House in Berkshire, it was just like stepping into a magical world. It is so serene, very green, and feels like a million miles away from anywhere.
The ceremony set up was in the Walled Garden and it just looked beautiful. The couple were having reception drinks and canapes over in the gardens beside the summer house, and then everyone was going to head over the little bridge and into the field for the reception in the marquee. The whole setting was stunning, I just love working at this venue!
After checking in with everyone, we welcomed guests into the garden, and as the setting was revealed to all, there was lots of excited chatter and talk about how wonderful it all looked.
With guests seated beneath the canopy of the ancient Catalpa (Indian Bean) tree, it was quite the idyllic setting. I settled them all with a few welcoming messages, and then met with the bridal party prior to their entrance. It is always nice to have this moment to chat about who is going where, what will happen at the front, and to reassure them that all is in hand.
My bride was having her two eldest daughters pulling a cart adorned with flowers with their youngest daughter inside. It was quite the procession! Lots of gasps and adoring looks as the three girls came into view followed by the bride and her wedding party.
As we began the ceremony, I could just see beaming smiles staring back at me. It was going to be a wonderful ceremony, and everyone there was just so happy for this couple and their family, it was a joy to see. Setting the tone right from the start we have all of their guests involved, and had a wonderful reading by the couple's nephews. It was shaping up to be quite the family affair!
I got to tell the couple's story, highlighting events from their time of meeting, right up until the wedding day, and as we began talking about family, we surprised everyone by announcing that as we had them all gathered together, and seeing as the family was now complete, we would be having a special naming ceremony and a time dedicated to the couple's three girls!
Everyone was delighted, and with names fully stated by the groom (each little girl had a Chinese middle name as is customary in the bride's family), their mum and dad made promises and we welcomed the girls' guardians. Each with three or four supporting adults, I've never had so many certificates to hand out in one celebration! It was wonderful to see this family surrounded by people that have their best interests at heart, and the surprise certainly went down well with the guests.
It was lovely moment to include, and created so many lovely memories for them all.
The couple then shared lovely vows, and exchanged rings, and signed their family certificate with the help of the girls. Family really was the thread running through this ceremony and I thoroughly enjoyed helping them all on their special day.
As we presented the couple back to their guests, confetti was thrown, cheers were heard and there was a wonderful buzz around the gardens. Many of their family and friends came up to say how lovely it was, and I could hear people talking about their favourite moments as they enjoyed drinks afterwards.
I am so happy for this family, and honoured to have been asked to help them make such special memories.
Congrats to Amy and Nick and your amazing little family.
(All images in this blog were taken by Jenny KNight - we look forward to seeing the official images soon.)
Dream Team:
Venue: Little Dower House
Celebrant: Jenny at Knight Ceremonies
Photographer: Kim and Camera
Caterers: Ross and the team from Millar’s eaterie (Windsor)
See more about Berkshire Ceremonies