The Perfect Spring Celebration at Millbridge Court

The build-up to this wedding was a rather special one for my couple, with news of a little baby on its way!

Lucy and Taylor have the most wonderful story and getting to know them before their wedding was such a joy.  We created a beautiful ceremony, with details about them weaved throughout.  As discussions progressed, we decided to share their story in the form of a poem and so my creativity ran wild and we arrived at a great piece that conveyed who they are and in such a lovely way too.


guest book


When their day arrived, I reached the venue very early and was delighted to see so many of their family and friends already on site.  The atmosphere in the reception area was one of excitement and their guests literally couldn't wait to have a peek at the happy couple.

The beauty of this venue is that guests are held at the front of the space, leaving the walk through the building and out into the grounds a complete surprise until it is time to gather for the start of the ceremony.  Having checked in with everyone involved in the day, it was time to welcome their loved ones.  I love hearing the chatter and excited voices as they enter the space, and with everyone soon seated, it was time to welcome them all.  


ceremony millbridge court

knight ceremonies at milbridge court


Bright skies made an appearance and we were on track for an outdoor celebration, and as the bridal party made their way into the gardens, the music filled the setting and the groomsmen all watched as the wedding party joined us.  I gave a nod to the groom as the bride and her father approached the aisle and he turned to see her entering looking absolutely sensational.

It was a brilliant start and as I guided everyone through the formalities at the beginning, we then got everyone involved, and had a wonderful reading by the bride's mum.


string quartet


Then it was time to share their special poem and it went down a storm.  I could see everyone smiling, and engaged with the details, and it led everyone on a journey, recapping on things that had happened along the way from the point of meeting until the big day.  As we reached the vows, everyone had been playing a part in the service, but this was all about them and as they turned to face one another, I could see just how much it meant to them.


"Turtle Bay, a bar in Bournemouth was where their paths would align,
Lucy's friends spotted Taylor and they thought he looked ‘fine’.
Whilst she stood there embarrassed, they went over to enquire,
Finding out that he was single and a fighter of fire!"

With special promises made, and rings exchanged (with the help of the best man and the couple's dog Oakley), we took a moment to sign their wedding day certificate. With space for their little boy to add his fingerprint (he had fallen asleep from all the excitement earlier on), and with an eager and very well-behaved golden retriever, we managed to add his paw print onto the document which makes for an adorable keepsake of their day.



knight ceremonies celebrant



As I brought the ceremony to a close and presented the couple back to their guests, confetti rained down and music once again filled the space.  Everyone clearly loves these two and it was great to see how supportive they all were and how happy Lucy and Taylor were with their very personal ceremony.


guests 1

guests 2

guests 3

vickerstaff wedding knight ceremonies


I feel completely honoured to have been a small part of their big day and wish them both (and their little family) much love and happiness for their future.

Congrats Mr & Mrs Vickerstaff!


Knight Ceremonies millbridge court wedding



Dream Team:

Venue: The lovely team at Millbridge Court

Photographer: Nikki Hill Photography

Videographer: Chris Bennett

Celebrant: Jenny at Knight Ceremonies 

Florist: Fairmile Florist

Strings: Estilo Orchestra

Catering: Kalm Kitchen

Bride's hair: Groom's mum



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