There is so much to say about this couple, and their special day, but just to set the scene. . . .
I met one half of the Burford-Maull couple back in 2019 at Winter Pride in Guildford, where Mark was attending as his alter ego Annie Kadabra, a fabulous drag magician. We chatted about weddings as he was about to propose to his boyfriend, and low and behold a few years later, I was able to help them both celebrate at this amazing wedding!
It was a complete joy working with these two, and every time we met or spoke online, they would have something new to show me or tell me, and it was quite incredible, the detail that they had incorporated into their celebrations. They were having a rainbow theme, which added pops of colour throughout the very green and open space that was to play host to their day.
A close friend of Mark's had kindly offered her beautiful home and gardens as the setting for the wedding, and when I visited to run through things, I could see just how special it was going to be.
So, when their day arrived, I was so excited! When I pulled into this wonderful setting in Surrey, the efforts of the couple were evident, and they really had thought of everything. As an ex-wedding planner, I am always delighted to see the little details covered on a wedding day, the things that make the guest experience even better, and these two had everything covered!
As I entered the gardens they were both putting finishing touches to things, and after some 'encouragement' they left to go and get ready in the pool house (yes there was a pool!). I set up my things, walked the space to check that things worked smoothly, and then co-ordinated with the event team to communicate cues.
With guests arriving and taking seats, it was time to deliver my welcome messages, and then the music began and the procession commenced. As the grooms came into view, each with their mum as their attendants, I could see so much love and happiness in their eyes. Their guests were amazing, all very supportive, and keen to be a part of their big day.
It was key for this couple that we set the tone right from the beginning, and so we made sure that everyone played a part in the ceremony. We had a lovely reading then from Steven's niece, and we shared the couple's story. It was just the loveliest atmosphere in this gorgeous outdoor setting, and as we reached the vow and ring exchange, things were about to become very emotional.
The couple had chosen to follow their vows with me, with some special words to one another, and having sent them to me separately, they remained a secret until the day. It was the sweetest moment, as they both were overcome with emotion and the guests all became teary-eyed too.
Their wedding rings held special meaning too, and we used this lovely moment to involve guests again. There were so many lovely elements to this ceremony that made it so personal and definitely one to remember.
As I concluded and presented them back to their loved ones, cheers went up and they stopped halfway and celebrated again with another kiss. It was honestly the perfect wedding for these lovely two humans.
After the ceremony, they and their guests moved up onto the lawns to enjoy some live entertainment by one of the groom's friends, and while he sang, the photographer took some relaxed photos of them and their guests. It was perfectly planned and thought out, and everyone had the best time.
I am honoured to have helped Mark and Steven on their big day, and wish them all the love and happiness for their future.
Congrats to the Burford-Maull's!!
(All images in this blog were taken by Jenny Knight, but we look forward to seeing the official pics soon!)
Dream Team:
Venue: Private Home of a friend to the couple
Celebrant: Jenny from Knight Ceremonies
Photographer: Louie and her daughter from Louie D Photography
See more about Surrey Ceremonies