We thought it was about time that we shared some top tips, things based on experience that we have learned, and today's blog is from my fab team member Laura.
These are excellent pieces of advice if you are considering a celerbant-led ceremony. . .and why wouldn't you!
Over to you Laura. . . .
"Here are my top five tips if you're a couple considering having a celebrant. I speak directly from experience here as I had a celebrant-led wedding and it was amazing!
1) It's your wedding, have it your way.
As celebrants, our job is to tease out from you both what you really want from your ceremony, not necessarily what is expected or traditional. Your wedding should reflect your characters, don't be afraid to include elements out of the ordinary if that's what you want!
2) Create moments of joy and laughter.
Getting married is a serious matter and that should be respected, but joy and laughter are essential elements of life and should have a place in every wedding ceremony!
3) Find ways to involve your guests.
They have supported you and your partner in getting you this far and they want to share in your love and joy, it's possible to involve them beyond observing the ceremony in a variety of ways and makes the ceremony more meaningful for you and for your family and friends.
4) Choose your music to set the mood.
Don't feel obliged to choose the traditional approach to music at a wedding ceremony, if it doesn't suit you. Guests at a recent wedding all sang a Shania Twain song to celebrate the union.... pick music that reflects your characters and that you love!
5) Pick the language that reflects your relationship.
Choosing a celebrant to officiate your wedding means you can choose the exact words that reflect how you feel about your relationship and commitment. We can write scripts that avoid gender stereotypes and adopt language that you are most comfortable with.
For more tips and advice, drop us a line. We'd be happy to help you with your big-day ceremony plans
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