Surprise Renewal of Vows on the banks of the Thames!

I first began chatting to one half of this amazing couple some months ago, as he was planning a special trip to the UK so that he and his wife could run the Thames path, and he decided that this might be the perfect opportunity to celebrate their marriage.

With a route that would see them taking in all sorts of sights, and having a whole host of adventures, he wanted to stop part-way along the path, in beautiful Marlow, to renew their vows as a surprise for his wife, and be joined by some of their friends.


compleat angler

river view


Plans began to take shape, friends booked flights and made arrangements to travel down to be there, and I started writing a lovely personal ceremony. Over the course of the months leading up to the day, I put together a special poem for them both based on our conversations and words from their close friend Sue. It was all set to be a wonderful surprise and by all accounts, it remained so right up until the point they arrived!

On the day, I arrived to meet Sue and her husband, and we got everything organised out on the lawns by the river at the front of the hotel. The staff were amazing, and we had an area dedicated just for this gathering, and with the river as our backdrop. The rain from previous days had stopped, the blue skies appeared, and the sun made a few appearances too. It was a crisp and beautiful day.



river ceremony


With eyes peeled we gathered outside, watching to see them running across the bridge to check into their hotel, and we knew then that it would be only be a short while before we saw them coming back towards us to continue their journey. . .or so Niki thought!

As they reappeared on the bridge, we got everyone ready to surprise them, and as they came into the hotel grounds, it dawned on Niki what was happening as she saw her great friend Sue, and the tears flowed. 








It was an emotional reunion with friends and loved ones and with everyone now gathered around these two incredible people, we began by explaining what was about to happen.  Niki was most definitely surprised, and after a moment or two to adjust, we spoke of what they had achieved, and how it was important to celebrate this.  With those who love and support them surrounding them on the lawns, we shared details of their story, and the poem went down a storm!

They met while working and living in Africa, and had quite the journey to getting wed!  It was an incredible insight into their lives and to be able to share this, and recap on some of the details to show them just how wonderful their story is, was wonderful and I am so honoured to have been a part of it all. 


"A Nigerian friend thought he’d get them wed
His sister worked at the court and could fix it he said
There they would legally marry in the courtroom
Following their tribal jumping the broom."


Theirs is a story full of adventure and special people, so it was great to reminisce a little as we brought the story right up to the present day, and involved all of their guests in some promises of their own.


knight ceremonies knot tying


To unify them and to bring a personal and symbolic element to their celebration, I suggested a knot-tying ritual, and I created some hand-tying cords from running laces!  They were in the colours of both the US and the English flag as Rick is from the States, and Niki hails from the North of England.  As we wrapped their hands and spoke of the love they have, I asked them to pull the ends and create their very own infinity knot, as all of their nearest and dearest watched.  It was a lovely moment, and they can keep this as a reminder of this special moment in their relationship history.


river view 2


The couple then spoke their new vows, and instead of rededicating rings, Rick presented Niki with a special running medal from a previous adventure in the Cotswolds.  It was a lovely surprise for Niki as she loves to commemorate all of their runs with medals and this one didn't give them to participants so Rick had one made for her.

As we brought things to a close, I revealed that we had a special dedication to their original wedding in Africa, and how we would recreate their moment of jumping the broom, and with a red, white, and blue wrapped broom, they shared a kiss to seal their new promises, and lept over the broom!


jumping the broom vow renewal

loved ones


Everyone cheered and we continued celebrations inside with drinks and all catching up with one another.  I was invited to join them all for a fabulous afternoon tea by the river, and it was a joy getting to know their friends, each with their own stories about the couple too.


afternoon tea

niki and rick

guests afternoon tea


What a wonderful day for two absolutely amazing humans.  I wish Rick and Niki much love and happiness for their future, and may it be filled with more running adventures, and lots of great times with their friends.

Congrats you two on an incredible 30 years together!



jenny knight ceremonies

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