Be a Flamingo in a Flock of Pigeons!

Whilst I have nothing against pigeons, their large numbers creating a mesmerising sea of grey as they follow each other around, it has always been the case that I am drawn to a different kind of creature, one that sings to a different tune and stands out from the crowd. This is completely true of the people that I work with. The brides that come to me are throwing out the rule book, they don't want the standard offering, they want something that reflects who they truly are. In fact all of their suppliers and vendors will be of the same mind set, and I am pleased to be among such good company. . . to be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons, and proud to be different.

It was as I pondered this, that I realised I had already adopted the flamingo coral as the colour for my brand...and so a decision was made and my new logo was born! It now features online and will be very much my identifying image. Let me know what you think!

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